USA: Congressman Pushes for Savannah Deepening Agreement

Business & Finance

Congressman Pushes for Savannah Deepening Agreement

Congressman Jack Kingston (GA-1) voted last week to fund construction of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project, an initiative he has fought for since its inception.

He said: “This bill does three things – begins a long-term commitment with initial funding of $1.52 million, recognizes the port as an ongoing project placed at the top of the Army Corps’ priority list, and holds the Obama Administration accountable by ensuring the Corps signs a dredging agreement soon, or report every week why they are not.”

The 2015 Energy and Water Appropriations Act contains $1.52 million in funding for construction of SHEP, opening the door to millions in state funding awaiting the federal government’s go-ahead.

Due to the Obama Administration’s stonewalling over funding the deepening of the port, the Act also contains a provision requiring updates every week if a Project Partnership Agreement is not signed in a timely fashion.


Press Release, July 14, 2014