USA: Corps Proposes Stone Revetment to Reduce Hull Coastal Damage

Business & Finance

Corps Proposes Stone Revetment to Reduce Hull Coastal Damage

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, has conducted a feasibility investigation to examine coastal storm damage reduction alternatives for the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Reservation at Nantasket Beach in Hull, Massachusetts. The Corps’ proposed recommended plan is to build a 2,100-foot stone revetment to reduce coastal storm damage.

“The study for a coastal storm damage reduction project was conducted to examine solutions to storm damage and flooding at the Nantasket Beach DCR Reservation and backshore properties in the town of Hull,” said Study Manager David Larsen, of the Corps’ New England District Engineering/Planning Division in Concord, Mass.During coastal storms, these properties can sustain damages from wind and wave action.”

The study has been completed to identify and evaluate alternative plans that would reduce or eliminate these damages. Storm waves and winds pose a potential flood hazard to the DCR facilities and commercial properties in the backshore. The project would provide protection for the sea wall and reduce the risk of flooding in this area.

The proposed project for the Nantasket Beach DCR Reservation would provide protection along about 2,100 feet of shoreline along Nantasket Beach through the construction of a stone revetment on the shore side of the sea wall from a point in the vicinity of the intersection of Nantasket Avenue and Wharf Avenue to a point in the vicinity of the intersection of Hull Shore Drive and Water Street.

The recommended Federal project is construction of a 2,100-foot long stone revetment seaward of the sea wall, with an 8-foot wide bench at elevation 12 feet National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD), sloping to the existing beach at a maximum slope of 1 foot on vertical to 3 feet horizontal.


Press Release, May 14, 2014