USA: Rocky River in Need of Dredging

Rocky River in Need for Dredging

Rocky River city officials and Cleveland Metroparks are cooperating in an effort to seek funds for Rocky River dredging.

The money needed for the dredging works of this relatively short river, which forms the western boundaries of the cities of Cleveland and Lakewood, is $400,000.

The alliance between Rocky River, Lakewood and the Cleveland Metroparks is very important for this project.

There’s been a history of working together and we’re seeing recent collaboration in new and visible ways,” says Rocky River Mayor Pamela Bobst.

The Rocky River estuary dredging would provide safe access between Rocky River and Lake Erie and would also prevent potential safety issues for recreational boating community which will bear the dredging costs, according to Phil Miller, ODNR Resource Planning Administrator.

The grants are funded by Ohio’s recreational boaters through the Waterways Safety Fund, which is comprised of a share of the state motor fuel tax, watercraft registration and titling fees as well as funding from the U.S. Coast Guard, states a recent ODNR press release.

The economic effects of the Rocky River dredging project could be very positive locally and regionally.


Dredging Today Staff, April 10, 2014