DEME: Nodulier 2022 – Winner in Worldwide Innovation Challenge

Business & Finance

Nodulier 2022 - Winner in Worldwide Innovation Challenge

The French Prime Minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, and Anne Lauvergeon, Chair of the 2030 Innovation Committee, introduced the first winners of the Worldwide Innovation Challenge at the Matignon.

Nodulier 2022, a partnership between SDI (Société de Dragage International, part of the DEME Group), OceanflORE and G-Tec SAS, is one of the winners of this prestigious competition.

In April 2013, the President of the Republic, François Hollande, set up the Innovation 2030 Commission, which is chaired by Anne Lauvergeon. This Committee explored the major global challenges for 2030 and has identified a limited number of opportunities.


At the conclusion of this exercise, seven ambitions were outlined. They rest on strong societal expectations, on growth sectors: Energy Storage; Recycling of Metals; Development of Marine Resources; Plant Proteins and Plant Chemistry; Personalised Medicine; the Silver Economy (innovation at the service of longevity) and Big Data.

The grouping intends to set up a consortium for the harvesting of polymetallic nodules in partnership with French and European ‘consumers’ of these raw materials.

For the development of a technical and operational solution, the partnership has completed the general feasibility study of harvesting nodules by means of proven technology.

To conduct a harvesting test, Nodulier 2022 will initially focus on the design and the laboratory testing of the harvesting vehicle, the collector, the riser transfer pipe and the vehicle launch and recovery system, including a feasibility study on processing and utilisation of manganese nodules.


Press Release, March 21, 2014