USA: Piedroba Partners with Corps on Dredging Fundamentals Course

Business & Finance

Piedroba Partners with Corps on Dredging Fundamentals Course

Piedroba Consultig Group LLC has announced its 2014 class schedule for the Dredging Fundamentals Course held in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

2014 will mark the fourth consecutive year where the Corps has opted to partner up with Piedroba in order to train federal employees working on navigable waterway projects. Luis Prieto-Portar, PhD, PE, Piedroba’s Principal and Chief Executive Officer, will lead the team through classes in New Orleans, LA and Philadelphia, PA.

The Dredging Fundamentals Course is a partnership between the Corps’s Chief of Navigation & Operations Jeffrey McKee, Corps Safety Manager Thomas Verna and Piedroba. During the week long class, the team will teach fundamental dredging theory and practice through lectures, field trips, group discussions, and examinations.

Subject matters include will include ‘Overview of Corps Dredging Program, Design of Corps Navigation Projects’, Types of Dredges in the United States Dredging Market, Hydraulic and Mechanical Dredging, Dredging Safety, Environmental Dredging, Corps Scheduling and Estimating, and Corps Contact Administration.

The New Orleans session will be held from April 14-18, and the Philadelphia session will be held June 23-27. The exact location of the classes will be determined at a later date.

About Piedroba

Piedroba Consulting Group (PCG) is a Miami based international technical consultancy firm specializing in dredging. As a dredging consultant, its efforts are mainly geared towards representing the Non-Federal Sponsor on capital or maintenance dredging work.

PCG is currently retained by PortMiami as the technical consultant for the $200 Million PortMiami Deep Dredge.


Press Release, January 23, 2014