UK: Snaith Embankment Survey about to Begin

Business & Finance

Snaith Embankment Survey About to Begin

A survey to assess the condition of a vital embankment which protects properties at Snaith from flooding is to start in the next few weeks.

Environment Agency contractors will investigate the structural strength of the bank upstream of New Carlton Bridge which was repaired last year after leaks were discovered.

Although the bank remains sound and is not at risk of imminent failure, the Environment Agency is keen to find out exactly how secure it is.

Tim Cobb, the project manager, said: “This is a historic flood defence and we want to find out whether any further works will be needed to strengthen it further.”

Andrew Percy MP said, “The announcement that the Environment Agency has included the Snaith river bank in its Capital Works programme is great news. This is something that Councillor’s Caroline Fox and John Barrett, the Town Council and myself have worked closely with the Environment Agency to achieve to better protect local residents from flooding.

“We will continue to work with the Environment Agency and look forward to completion of the investigation work, which will tell us if anything further needs to be done.”

The work is expected to take three weeks to complete, although this will depend on the weather.

Any disruption will be kept to a minimum and local footpaths will remain open, with temporary diversions around the work areas.


Press Release, November 21, 2013