India: Police Chief Calls for Introspection on Corruption

Business & Finance

Police Chief Calls for Introspection on Corruption.

While speaking at the inaugural function of Vigilance Awareness Week-2013 held by Dredging Corporation of India Limited (DCI) yesterday, the Police Commissioner, Mr. B. Shivadhar Reddy, IPS, has called for a moral introspection among political and administrative leaders on more effective ways of containing pervasive corruption in society.

Even while the laws on various forms of corrupt practices are multiplying, the range of problems are widening. Unless and until the collusion among major players like politicians, bureaucrats and traders is broken, there will be no dent in efforts on the anticorruption front. He expressed the view that the problem of selfish gain at the cost of community was endemic in human society since ancient days. Effective mechanisms and moral suasion have not been found adequate.

Unless there is a reformation in the individual on the issue of ethics, social and economic advancement will remain a mirage. There is no doubt that administrative measures like leveraging of technology has had some impact on reduction of corruption. And yet more qualitative measures are required for neutralizing the evil effects of corruption in all walks of life today. He expressed the need for all anti-corruption agencies at state level and Central Vigilance Commission to coordinate their activities more closely.

Capt. D.K. Mohanty, Chairman and Managing Director, DCI in his address to employees of DCI has emphasized the need for looking at vigilance in a broader perspective and not merely in punitive terms. Where people remain alert and active, the scope for irregularities becomes minimal. Inadequate and improper response to a crisis situation happens when people do not remain vigilant.

Quoting the difference in response of administrative machinery to super cyclones of 1999 and 2013 in Odisha, he underlined the need for detailed home work in logistics to be done in advance. He administered the vigilance pledge to members. Mr. S. Vasudeva Rao, IPS, Chief Vigilance Officer, DCI in his welcome address referred to the positive role that can be played by the vigilance through a promotion of good governance practices.

Mr. Rao stated that internal audit mechanisms have to be strengthened in corporate sector so that systemic issues can be addressed in the preliminary stages of their occurrence.

Elaborating on the political and managerial dimensions of accountability, he expressed that these require to be properly blended with concern for citizens and ethical imperatives.


Press Release, October 29, 2013