EA to Repair Storm Damage to West Norfolk Coastline (UK)

EA to Repair Storm Damage to West Norfolk Coastline

A coastline damaged by strong storms last week will be repaired by the Environment Agency to reduce the risk to public safety.

Severe gales in Snettisham, Heacham and Hunstanton caused high waves to wash over and erode the coast.

This resulted in the loss of approximately 1,200 cubic metres of the shingle ridge from the Heacham Dam area alone, and the erosion was as much as three metres in some places.

Environment Agency officers inspected the coastal defences between Snettisham Scalp and Hunstanton and found that repairs were needed after the stormy seas eroded the shingle ridge and caused the seaward face of the coast to become unstable.

Beach material has also been lost from the toe of the concrete coastal defences along the south promenade at Hunstanton.

Greg Murphy, operations team leader for the Environment Agency, said: “Although the damage is not unusual, we would normally expect the shingle ridge to be in this condition by February.

We have lost a significant amount of material from the shingle ridge in places along the beach and we run the risk of losing more if we have another strong storm.

This material plays an important part in reducing flood risk to coastal communities, and if this is left to wash away we could see further deterioration of the shingle ridge.

In some areas, the eroded edge of the ridge has become unstable, making it unsafe for people to walk immediately alongside.

Once finished, our repairs should protect against normal high tides and reduce the risk to public safety.”

The Environment Agency will begin their repairs on 28 October 2013. The works will last one week and cost approximately £4,500.


Press Release, October 22, 2013