Australia: Port of Hastings Takes Another Step Forward

Business & Finance

Port of Hastings Takes Another Step Forward.

The Port of Hastings expansion project continues to progress, with the release of Expressions of Interest (EOI) for four key feasibility-phase work packages, Minister for Ports David Hodgett announced today.

The EOI process will gather a team of specialists to guide and inform the Port of Hastings container expansion project through the feasibility phase of this major infrastructure project,” Mr Hodgett said.

The Victorian Coalition Government has provided $110 million over four years to kick start the development of the port, and accelerate planning for a multi-billion dollar container port, capable of handling 8 to 9 million containers annually.

“The Port of Hastings redevelopment is of vital importance to secure Victoria’s economy in the medium to long term. The Port of Melbourne will reach its capacity in the mid 2020’s and with freight movement projected to quadruple by 2050, the Coalition Government has acted decisively now to deliver the infrastructure required to ensure Victoria remains the freight and logistics capital of Australia.”

Member for Hastings Neale Burgess said the feasibility phase of the project will inform the approach the Coalition Government takes on the development of an expanded port at Hastings.

“It is anticipated that the project will take about three years to progress through feasibility before entering the procurement and delivery stage. Hastings will then be well on track to become Victoria’s second container port,” Mr Burgess said.


Press Release, October 17, 2013