UK: Felixstowe Flood Defence Project About to Begin

Business & Finance

Felixstowe Flood Defence Project About to Begin

Work to repair a flood defence wall in Felixstowe will begin at the start of next week.

The wall is between the War Memorial to the north of Felixstowe and Landguard Common to the south.

The £120,000 works will help to continue to protect 960 residential and 468 commercial properties.

Pete Roberts, Asset Performance Team Leader said: “This work plays an important part in making sure that the defences in Felixstowe remain in good condition for many years to come.

“We would like to apologise for any inconvenience it causes to the public and to reassure them that we will keep any disruption to a minimum.”

The Environment Agency will start carrying out repairs on Monday 21 October 2013.

The repairs are expected to take around eight weeks to be completed, and the work should not stop people accessing the beach and promenade.


Press Release, October 16, 2013