Foreshore Technology: New Cloud Service

Business & Finance

Foreshore Technology.

Foreshore Technology have created a free! cloud service for viewing hydrographic data online.

This website which runs in Google Chrome or Firefox allows users to load and view xyz data within their browser. It also allows them to TIN, Grid then Export this to a 1m x 1m grid file.

This is only the first step for this new service and Foreshore Technology already working on adding the following features:

1. Ability to display DWG and DXF maps;

2. Contours;

3. Grid manipulation tools.

New Cloud Service.

Foreshore Technology is a company which specialises in design, engineer, manufacture and install the ulimate control systems for dredging and related terrestrial ground work clients.

The Foreshore suite of software components and precision engineered hardware, developed by a specialist team with over 15 years experience in the dredging industry are firmly established at the cutting edge of the industry.

Foreshore Technology assembled a team of experienced engineers, designers and programmers and set them the task of creating the ultimate dredging and terrestrial instrumentation and control system.

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Press Release, October 3, 2013