Dredging Works Complete in Western Basin (Australia)

Dredging Works Complete in Western Basin

The Western Basin Dredging & Disposal Project has completed the current dredging works for this phase of the project.|

The two cutter suction dredgers working in the Gladstone Harbour are currently preparing to demobilise from the works. The Athena will depart Gladstone on 4 October, while the Al Mahaar is scheduled to depart on a semi submersible transport vessel in late October.

Gladstone Ports Corporation Chief Executive Officer, Craig Doyle, said that over 21 million cubic metres of material had been dredged during the works over the last two years.

The works have been completed 12 months ahead of schedule.

Mr Doyle further stated that monitoring programs undertaken during the project will continue long after the dredging works are complete.

Water quality monitoring will continue for a further two (2) months, while seagrass monitoring will extend for a further five (5) years after completion of the project.

These monitoring programs, together with the eight (8) year Ecological Resource Monitoring Plan, will ensure that we have a thorough understanding of the actual impacts of development in the Gladstone Harbour.

GPC is actively collaborating with researchers and associations such as the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) to ensure future monitoring programs are both relevant and provide effective measurement of the health of the harbour.

Demobilisation works across the reclamation project area will continue for the next two to three months and will involve removal of over 20 kilometres of steel pipe and grass seeding of over 12 hectares of the bund wall area.

Future dredging works may be scheduled for further developments on Curtis Island or in the Western Basin area.


Press Release, September 19, 2013