Tulsa District Assesses Impacts of Streambank Stabilization (USA)

Business & Finance

Tulsa District Assesses Impacts of Streambank Stabilization

The Tulsa District has assessed the environmental impacts of stabilizing a total of approximately 3,000 to 3,500 linear feet of streambank, most of which is along the left bank of the North Canadian River adjacent to the west side of Luther Road in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.

Stabilizing the left streambank would be expected to stop the eastward migration of the meander as it erodes the toe of the bank and causes bank sloughing. Stabilizing the right bank would protect the southern bridge pier of Luther Road. Oklahoma County is the local, non-federal sponsor for this project which is proposed under Section 14 of the Flood Control Act of 1946 (P.L. 79-526), as amended.

The stabilization is needed to protect public safety and facilities. In addition to Luther Road and bridge, there are electric utilities paralleling the west side of the road and power lines located along the left bank of the North Canadian River at the western edge of the proposed streambank stabilization area. The meander of the river has migrated laterally eastward approximately 900 feet in the past ten years and is now located approximately 100 feet west of the roadway pavement.

Failure of the road and bridge could close the roadway and bridge, interrupt electric utilities, and become a life safety issue especially for ambulance, fire, and police protection by impeding access both north and south of the river.

The Tulsa District is accepting public comments on this action. In order to be considered, comments must be received no later than September 23, 2013.


Press Release, August 22, 2013