Greens Welcome ACF, WWF and AMCS Environment Endorsement (Australia)

Business & Finance

Greens Welcome ACF, WWF and AMCS Environment Endorsement

The Australian Greens welcome the Australian Conservation Foundation’s acknowledgement today that the Greens have the strongest set of policies on protecting the natural environment.

We welcome this recognition of our strong environment policies from the Australian Conservation Foundation, which follows endorsement by WWF and the Australian Marine Conservation Society for our Great Barrier Reef policy,” Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens environment spokesperson, said.

“The Greens are the only party that can be trusted on the environment, and we have released costed plans covering all facets, from threatened species protection to the Great Barrier Reef.

“And if Labor had any credibility on the environment, they wouldn’t have halved the Biodiversity Fund and they would have backed Greens legislation and amendments to Abbott-proof national environment law so that it couldn’t be handed over to the states.

“Both old parties have approved every single coal and CSG project that has crossed their desks, are letting native forest logging continue in threatened species habitat, and are treating the Great Barrier Reef as a dumping ground for dredge spoil and a shipping super highway for the big mining companies.”


Press Release, August 20, 2013