Greens: Abbott’s Secret Plan – Environmental Disaster (Australia)

Business & Finance

Abbott's Secret Plan - Environmental Disaster

Tony Abbott’s double dissolution agenda and secret policy revealed recently would be a disaster for the climate and the environment, Greens Deputy Leader, Adam Bandt MP and environment spokesperson Senator Larissa Waters said.

Labor needs to give a clear commitment before the election that they won’t be spooked into caving in to the Abbott agenda because of the double dissolution threat, Mr Bandt said.

“This plan shows that Tony Abbott is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. His double dissolution plan shows he will stop at nothing to implement his disastrous plan for the environment,” Mr Bandt said.

“His budget reply was a vision for an uncaring Australia and here is more evidence of how he’ll hurt people and the environment.”

“He won’t even guarantee that electricity bills will fall after his secret plan is implemented, because he knows his plan won’t help the planet and it won’t help people.”

“This plan is all about rolling back action on global warming and gutting environment laws so that all the most important decisions are made by state premiers.”

“We’ll see more logging and shooting in national parks, more mining and development in precious areas, more communities trampled on.”

“This is the danger of Abbott in total control of Parliament. Having more Greens in Parliament is the only way to protect the environment, clean energy and the climate.”

“Any plan for the Great Barrier Reef that doesn’t stop the big mining companies from treating the reef as a dredging dumping ground and a shipping super highway will fall tragically short,” Senator Waters said.

“Tony Abbott’s Coalition is so wedded to the mining industry that we can expect his plan for the Great Barrier Reef will ignore the biggest threat – the reef’s industrialisation by the big mining companies.”


Press Release, May 20, 2013