Meeting Scheduled for Glover’s Point Bend Project (USA)

Business & Finance

Meeting Scheduled for Glover's Point Bend Project

A public meeting to gather input on the development of the proposed Glover’s Point Bend Shallow Water Habitat Project in Thurston County, Neb., will be hosted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Thursday, May 16 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

The meeting will be held in Sloan, Iowa at the WinnaVegas Casino Resort located at 1500 330th Street. The proposed Glover’s Point Bend Shallow Water Habitat Project is being developed as part of the Corps’ Missouri River Recovery Program.

The Corps will conduct the meeting, which will feature a short presentation detailing the goals and objectives of the proposed project. An open-house session will follow, and the public is invited to view exhibits and visit with Agency staff regarding the proposed project.

The purpose of site-specific Missouri River Recovery Program Projects such as the Glover’s Point Bend Project is to restore habitat for the federally endangered pallid sturgeon and to mitigate the loss of fish and wildlife habitat that occurred due to the construction of the Missouri River Bank Stabilization and Navigation Project. The proposed project area is located on land owned by the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska between Missouri River miles 714 and 710, along the right descending bank.


Press Release, May 13, 2013