USA: Port of Gulfport Dredging Moves Ahead

Business & Finance

Port of Gulfport Dredging Moves Ahead

Dredging is underway in the Mississippi Sound to return the Port of Gulfport’s shipping channel to its federally authorized depth of 36 feet.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which is charged with maintaining the channel, has $2.4 million budgeted for dredging, and this will likely only be enough to get the channel to a depth of 32-33 feet.

Additional funding is needed in order to dredge the entire channel to a depth of 36 feet. Port officials have been in Washington last month to coordinate with members of Mississippi’s Congressional delegation on these funding needs and to meet with Corps officials.


Source: portofthefuture, January 4, 2013; Image: wlox