Construction of Bay St. Louis Municipal Harbor Moves Ahead (USA)

Business & Finance

Construction of Bay St. Louis Municipal Harbor Kicks Off

The construction project at the Bay St. Louis Municipal Harbor and Pier is moving forward.

The first phase of this project began on November 5, 2012 with the dredging of more than 150,000 cubic yards of sand to make way for the harbor basin. The sand is being used to add to the existing sand beach between the Bay Bridge and Demontluzin Avenue. The dredged sand is also being used as backfill material for raising the harbor parking lot to 10ft above mean sea level.


The harbor will be located between Demontluzin Avenue and the CSX Railroad bridge. Shortly after the new year, a Harbor Commission will be put into place to begin the necessary tasks, such as setting fees for slip rental, searching for a harbor master, and taking applications for rental spaces.

Jason Chiniche, Project Engineer with Brown and Mitchell of Gulfport, is overseeing the construction of the harbor.


Press Release, December 24, 2012