VINCI Bags Water Engineering Contracts in Jamaica

VINCIĀ  Construction Grands Projets is to carry out two projects for the Jamaican National Water Commission to improve the country’s water supply network.

The first contract for the Jamaica Water Supply Improvement Project (JWSIP) – Category B is an extension of the JWSIP – Category A project that has been already carried out by VINCI Construction Grands Projets and voted “Project of the year 2012” in Jamaica out of all types of engineering projects done on the island.

For this latest project, VINCI Construction Grands Projets will replace the water transfer pipes that supply the urban area of Kingston and that currently have a large number of leakages. The new raw water pipes will also supply a new water treatment station on the Rio Cobre river. Three drinking-water treatment plants on the northern coast of Jamaica will also be rehabilitated. The works, totalling $62 million, will start at the beginning of 2013 and will last 24 months.

The second contract in Port Antonio, in the north east of Jamaica, covers the laying of water-supply pipes in the urban region, as well dredging works and the construction of an outlet to the sea. This work represents the second phase of a project carried out in the same town by VINCI Construction Grands Projets in 2010.

The works, which will cost $17.5 million, started in December 2012 and will last 18 months.


Press Release, December 14, 2012