Minister: Major Boost for Coastal Protection Funding (Australia)

Business & Finance

Major Boost for Coastal Protection Funding

Funding for the protection of the Western Australian coastline will triple with an additional $4million available in State Government grants.

Announcing the latest round of Coastal Protection Program grants, Transport Minister Troy Buswell said total funding for the scheme had increased from $2million (in 2012-13) to $6million for the 2013-14 rounds.

$5million will be available for allocation in the 2013-14 funding round and submissions are expected to be called in November,” Mr Buswell said.

The Minister said local authorities from Onslow to Esperance had been successful in securing funding from the 2012-13 round with 16 projects sharing $1,053,500 for construction, design or investigation work.

“The largest grant was to the City of Rockingham which received $265,000 for the construction of a groyne to stabilise the beach at Point Peron, preventing future erosion and damage to infrastructure,” he said.

“The Shire of Esperance received the second largest grant of $150,000 for work to maintain the beach between Norseman Road and Bandy Creek Boat Harbour and protect infrastructure.”

The Coastal Protection Grants program is administered by the Department of Transport which also provides coastal engineering support and guidance to those who are responsible for the management of the WA coast.

Mr Buswell said the grants would ensure coastal assets were protected from the impact of ocean forces into the future.

“The grants foster a partnership between State and local government and other coastal managers to manage one of the State’s most valuable assets,” he said.

Coastal managers are invited to apply for grants representing 50 per cent of the total cost of a coastal protection project. Activities include coastal monitoring, planning, investigations, condition inspections, design, construction or maintenance.


Press Release, November 8, 2012