USA: EPA Extends Comment Period on New Jersey Cleanup Plan

Business & Finance

EPA Extends Comment Period on New Jersey Cleanup Plan

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is extending by thirty days the public comment period for the plan it has proposed to clean up lead contamination at the Raritan Bay Slag Superfund Site in Old Bridge and Sayreville, New Jersey.

Lead is a toxic metal that is especially dangerous to children because their growing bodies can absorb more of it than adults. Even at low levels, lead in children can result in I.Q. deficiencies, reading and learning disabilities, reduced attention spans, hyperactivity and other behavioral problems.

For both the Laurence Harbor seawall and the western jetty areas, contaminated soil, sediment and waste including slag and battery casings will be dug up or dredged and the material will be disposed at facilities licensed to handle hazardous waste. Excavated areas will be restored with clean fill. Within the Margaret’s Creek sector, the EPA is proposing to remove slag and battery casings, along with areas of contaminated soil associated with these materials. Clean fill will be placed as needed in the excavated areas. Throughout the cleanup, monitoring and testing will be conducted to ensure that public health and the environment are protected.

The EPA held a public meeting on October 17, 2012 to explain the proposed plan. In order to allow more time for the public to comment, the EPA is extending the public comment period from its original date of October 29 to November 27, 2012.


Press Release, October 30, 2012