Dredging work at Beachport Boat Ramp about to begin


Funds for an additional dredging of the Beachport Boat Ramp have been approved by Wattle Range Council and their contractor is scheduled to arrive on the site this week.

photo courtesy of Wattle Range Council

In the meantime, local contractor Bowman Earthmoving will also be undertaking coastal protection works in Beachport.

The Council said that they will be working to renew the three groynes directly north of the Beachport Jetty.

This work is planned to be completed by the end of April and the the dredging operations will be wrapped up by April 4th.

According to this morning’s project update, the dredging contractor said that the dredge ‘Eva-K’ has been receiving some major maintenance and will be slightly delayed, probably just one day.