Morgan Creek dredging project on display


Morgan Creek Harbor Association is proposing to perform maintenance dredging of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) in Charleston County, South Carolina.

Photo courtesy of IHC

According to the applicant, the purpose of the proposed project is to restore navigability and original design depths to the Morgan Creek Harbor Association Marina as well as access waters for private recreational use along the AIWW.

The proposed work consists of maintenance dredging of an existing marina basin of 50,724 cubic yards of material, with an additional 50,000 cubic yards as-needed over ten years.

This includes dredging of the North Bulkhead Channel, Lower Main Channel, Main Docks and Fairways, Upper Main Channel, Med/Private Docks, and Dewees Island Marina.

The material from all areas will be dredged using a hydraulic cutterhead dredge or mechanical dredge. Dredge material will be disposed of in an approved Dredge Material Placement Facility (DMPF).