YellowScan presents YellowScan Navigator – bathymetric system for drones

Business development

YellowScan is set to present its YellowScan Navigator topo-bathymetric system for drones, marking a pivotal moment in technological innovation for environmental monitoring.

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Utilizing a green laser that penetrates the water’s surface and reflects off the seabed, the YellowScan Navigator captures underwater topography in three dimensions.

Specifically designed for mapping shallow waters – where traditional techniques, such as sonar on boats, face navigation safety concerns – the YellowScan Navigator has demonstrated effective functionality down to 20 meters in optimal conditions.

Furthermore, it produces 3D digital models of rivers or seabeds with an accuracy of 3 centimeters, the company said.

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The transformative environmental applications of YellowScan Navigator include:

  • Tracking coastal erosion and sediment movement with centimeter-level precision,
  • Monitoring underwater biodiversity habitats,
  • Assessing coral reef degradation,
  • Evaluating sea-level rise impact zones,
  • Documenting changes in marine ecosystems.