Port of Gdańsk: Expansion of another quay about to begin

Business development

The Port of Gdańsk Authority SA has entered into an agreement with local engineering company Budimex for reconstruction of one of the quays at the Port of Gdańsk.

photo courtesy of portgdansk.pl

Due to its poor condition, part of the Węglowe Quay is not used for ship service and cargo handling. Under the recently signed contract, a new 540-metre quay with a slab structure is to be built.

The $33.1 million work will be carried out in two stages:

  • the first part will cover 252 meters of the quay,
  • the second one will cover 294 meters.

Also, dredging work at the quay will be carried out to a depth of 11.2 meters from its current depth of approximately 8 meters.

The completion is scheduled for the end of 2027.

The agreement was signed by the Management Board of the Port of Gdańsk: President Dorota Pyć, Vice-President for Finance and Security Alan Aleksandrowicz, and Vice-President for Infrastructure Krzysztof Kaczmarek. The General Contractor, Budimex, was represented by Antoni Ciepielewski.