City of Newcastle invests in future of coastal precinct

Coastal Erosion

This week, the City of Newcastle will begin work to ensure the safety and longevity of one of its most popular coastal precincts. 

photo courtesy of City of Newcastle

The effect of time and tides have taken a toll on the infrastructure that protects sections of the Bathers Way between Dixon Park and South Newcastle beaches, the City said.

According to an official announcement, they will undertake two projects along the coastal stretch, which will stabilize a section of cliff face north of the Dixon Park Surf Lifesaving Club and help maintain the condition of the concrete seawall south of our recent upgrade at South Newcastle Beach. 

City of Newcastle’s Executive Director of Planning and Environment, Michelle Bisson, said that the projects would provide an immediate fix while longer-term solutions are assessed as part of the development of the Southern Beaches Coastal Management Program (CMP). 

Work will begin this week to address the effects of coastal erosion on a 60-metre section of cliff line north of the Dixon Park Surf Life Saving Club.  

A temporary rock bag structure will be constructed at the base of the cliff to stabilize the area until longer term actions are defined as part of the Southern Beaches CMP. 

Separately on Monday, essential maintenance will also begin on the 147-metre-long seawall located between King Edward Park and the recently completed upgrade of Bathers Way at South Newcastle Beach.   

This will include the application of a protective coating to extend the life of the seawall, which provides coastal protection for the Bathers Way and other infrastructure along the South Newcastle foreshore. 

The project is expected to take up to two months.