Dredger Njord R busy at East Anglia Three Offshore Windfarm


The split hopper suction dredger Njord R is currently busy working within East Anglia Three Offshore Windfarm (EA3 OWF), the Kingfisher Information Service – Offshore Renewable & Cable Awareness project (KIS-ORCA) said.

photo courtesy of rohde-nielsen.com

According to KIS-ORCA, the dredging program is being conducted by Seaway 7/Rohde Nielsen and the main working area will be inside of the offshore wind farm array.

The Rohde Nielsen’s dredger is carrying out the following operations within the EA3 offshore windfarm array:

  • Pre-Survey (MBES) of OFCS area,
  • Dredging of OFCS area,
  • Disposal of dredged material,
  • As-dredged survey (MBES).

The Njord R is a diesel-electric hybrid split hopper suction dredger, capable of dredging on depths of 70m.