NSW Government: Improving waterway accessibility under new BID Scheme


Transport for NSW Maritime will invest $44 million into improving waterway accessibility and safety under its new Boating Infrastructure and Dredging Scheme (BID Scheme), NSW Government said.

photo courtesy of Marine Rescue Central Coast

The scheme replaces the previous grants program, providing $28 million in new funding for the development of new and improved public boating infrastructure and enhanced public access to NSW waterways.

According to the Government, the scheme also confirms $16 million to deliver much needed dredging works along the NSW coast.

The scheme consists of five sub-programs:

  • Boating Infrastructure for Communities Grants Program – improving on the previous Boating Now Program, this program will put greater emphasis on improved access for aging boaters and boaters with disabilities,
  • Boating Infrastructure Maintenance Grants Program – providing funding to asset owners across NSW to undertake minor repair and maintenance works on public boating infrastructure,
  • Boating Infrastructure Emergency Repair Pool – funding support for owners of public boating infrastructure to repair or replace assets impacted by natural disasters and severe weather events,
  • Priority Dredging Program – funding for the Maritime Infrastructure Delivery Office (MIDO) to deliver new dredging projects at key priority sites critical to boating and safe waterway navigation,
  • Committed Dredging Projects – committed dredging projects at Swansea, Ettalong, Coffs Harbor and Myall River, and the development of 10-year environmental planning approvals to dredge nine high priority areas.