Van Oord: Creating new habitat for nature in Poland


A few years ago, Van Oord modernised the Świnoujście-Szczecin fairway in Poland, deepening the waterway to enhance navigation. But beyond improving access to the Port of Szczecin, this project also created a new habitat for nature.

The material that had been dredged from the fairway has been used to create two artificial islands in the Szczecin lagoon.

photo courtesy of Van Oord

One of the artificial islands is gradually developing into a diverse ecosystem, proving that developing maritime infrastructure and ecological development can go hand in hand.

Free from human disturbance, the island has become a safe retreat for birds and plants, said Van Oord.

The created island has become a sanctuary for ground-nesting birds that prefer open spaces with young vegetation.

Even during the construction, the sandy areas of the island were quickly populated by dozens of little ringed plover nests.

Artificial nesting habitats installed for shelducks have also attracted significant interest from the species. The island is frequently visited by white-tailed eagles, highlighting its appeal to rare bird species.