TMU researchers partner in climate and shoreline resilience project

Coastal Erosion

The Government of Canada has announced a $3.1 million investment over the next four years as part of the Climate-Resilient Coastal Communities (CRCC) Program.

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This funding aims to enhance climate resilience in Great Lakes coastal communities by co-developing regional-scale policies, plans, and actions for coastal resilience.

Researchers from Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) are participating in this collaborative research initiative, focusing on coastal and shoreline resilience in Ontario and the broader Great Lakes region.

Climate change is significantly impacting coastal communities throughout Canada and Ontario,” said TMU.

“Policymakers and decision-makers need new and improved tools to make informed and proactive choices to safeguard people, property, and the local environment.

Effective collaboration between governmental bodies and local organizations is crucial to addressing these challenges. Conservation Ontario is a non-profit association that represents Ontario’s 36 Conservation Authorities (CA). 

As part of the program, Conservation Ontario is collaborating with multiple Conservation Authorities, the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, and a team led by professor Carolyn Johns, Chair of the TMU Bruce Fellowships in Canadian Freshwater Policy, along with researchers from the Global Centre for Climate Change and Transboundary Waters.