Dredging coming soon to the Lower Myall River


MidCoast Council (NSW) is finalizing logistics and contractor arrangements for dredging to take place in the Lower Myall River.

Photo courtesy of MidCoast Council

Council is managing this major project which is fully funded by TfNSW through the NSW Boating Now Program.

Works will see the removal of approximately 100,000m3 of sediment from the identified channels in the Hawks Nest and Tea Gardens area including the Lower Myall, Corrie and Eastern Channels.

That sand will then be stockpiled at Winda Woppa on the end of the peninsula and used for future sand renourishment of Jimmys Beach which occurs as required following coastal erosion events.

Dredging Solutions is the successful contractor for the work which should begin in early March, and pending favorable weather conditions, finish in late October.