Coastal protection works at Mettams Pool start in March

Beach Nourishment

From Sunday, March 23, the City of Stirling will undertake sand nourishment at Mettams Pool to preserve beach amenities and reduce the impact of coastal erosion.

photo courtesy of

Approximately 5,000m³ of sand will be relocated from Trigg Beach, where natural sand build-up occurs each summer and autumn, to Mettams Pool, which is experiencing shoreline and dune erosion.  

The City has survey and photographic records of its 7km coastline dating back to 1955.

This data has provided a clear understanding of sand volumes and erosion trends, informing coastal management decisions such as the sand nourishment project, the City said.

To avoid impacting the surf break and recreational areas, sand will be taken from the upper and back sections of Trigg Beach.

The works are expected to be completed by March 30, 2025 (approximately one week).