Fort Pierce beach nourishment project starting next week

Beach Nourishment

St. Lucie County (FL) will next week, Monday, March 3, begin an emergency beach nourishment project at Jetty Park.

Photo courtesy of St. Lucie County

The project will add roughly 95,000 cubic yards of sand just south of the jetty from a pre-approved upland sand mine to protect Jetty Park and adjacent infrastructure from the upcoming 2025 hurricane season.

The emergency nourishment project will include placing and grading 95,000 cubic yards (roughly 133,000 tons) of sand within the first 2,000 linear feet of beach south of Fort Pierce Inlet.

This effort will help mitigate erosion and fortify this vulnerable segment of beach until the next federal nourishment event can be pursued (currently scheduled for winter 2025/spring 2026).