USACE issues scoping letter for AIWW dredging project in Florida


The USACEĀ Jacksonville District is preparing a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) document for the maintenance dredging and channel re-alignment of portions of the federally authorized and constructed Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) in Nassau County, Florida.

photo courtesy of USACE

The Corps is currently gathering information to define issues and concerns that will be addressed in an analysis to be prepared in compliance with the NEPA in the form of an Environmental Assessment (EA).

Nassau County is located in northeastern Florida and is bordered to the south by Duval County, Florida and to the east by Fernandina Beach, Florida.

The purpose of the project is to provide safe navigation within the federal channel, through the removal of shoaling (i.e., accumulated sediments in the channel) to maintain the authorized depth of -12 feet mean lower low water (MLLW).

The NEPA analysis will evaluate maintenance dredging of Reach 1, which occurs from AIWW Mile 3.74 to Mile 13.99, including potential channel realignments within the AIWW.

Analyses will also consider proposed placement of dredged material within existing Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) Dredged Material Management Areas (DMMA) as well as potential beneficial use of dredged material opportunities, such as placement of beach quality sand from the AIWW on Amelia Island Beach in Nassau County, Florida.

The deadline for submitting the comments on this plan is March 12, 2025