Navarre Beach sand placement complete

Beach Nourishment

Sand placement operations for the Navarre Beach Restoration Project are now complete and dune planting work is moving ahead, Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners said.

photo courtesy of Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners

This portion of the beach restoration project will be done during daylight hours from sunrise to sunset each day and is expected to be completed by Tuesday, Feb. 11. All work is weather and mechanical-issue dependent and dates may not be exact,” Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners said.

To restore Navarre Beach to its original 2006 profile, Manson Construction – with the hopper dredge Glenn Edwards – used around 600,000 cubic yards of dredged sand.

According to the officials, dune planting will be completed by the end of the week and beach tilling will begin on Saturday, February 8.

The roughly $11.5 million program was funded largely through FEMA and state grants, with the county contributing about $3.8 million.