Jackson County dredging project on the table


Jackson County, Mississippi, has proposed maintenance dredging of Seacliffe Bayou, two un-named tributaries to Seacliffe Bayou, and the Mississippi Sound in Gautier.

Photo courtesy of Pacific Dredge

The County recently requested a 10-year Department of the Army Permit to maintenance dredge approximately 7,677 cubic yards from Seacliffe Bayou, two un-named tributaries to Seacliffe Bayou, and the Gautier.

The works are to be undertaken by mechanical/hydraulic dredge from a barge or by hydraulic dredging with the dredged material moved to a USACE approved beneficial use disposal site or upland disposal site.

The purpose of this dredging project is to increase water depths in order to restore stormwater runoff, provide safe navigation and enhance recreational opportunities.

The deadline for sending comments on the proposed dredging works in Jackson County is February 15, 2025.