Cashman kicks off construction of Maine’s first Confined Aquatic Disposal (CAD) Cell


The construction barge has arrived in Portland to begin construction of Maine’s first Confined Aquatic Disposal (CAD) Cell.

Photo courtesy of the City of Portland

Dredging Portland Harbor to keep the waterfront working has been an identified need and priority for decades and now it’s underway.

Last fall, the City of Portland signed a contract with Cashman Dredging, and they’ll be performing this work throughout the rest of January and February.

The CAD Cell will be the disposal facility for dredged materials from more than 40 marine sites throughout Portland Harbor.

Dredging of marine infrastructure will take place during the off-season months over the next several years.

This project is a collaboration between the City of Portland, the City of South Portland, and the Portland Harbor Commission. Critical funding and project support are provided by the State of Maine, Maine DOT, and the EPA Gov Brownfields program.