VIDEO: Spotlight on Nui Island Boat Harbor, Tuvalu

Business development

The Asian Development Bank, Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific, and the Government of Australia joined the Government of Tuvalu recently in the handover ceremony of the Nui Island Boat Harbor to the local community as part of the Outer Island Maritime Infrastructure Project.

photo courtesy of ADB

The project, conducted by Hall Contracting, involved construction of a new boat harbor, including a wharf, navigational channel, boat ramp, community building and shoreline reclamation.

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The work, including the project design advance, was funded by a $63.72 million grant from the Asian Development Fund.

The Government of Australia has provided $15 million through their Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific. Also, Least Development Fund of Global Environment Facility provided $0.5 million grant.

The Government of Tuvalu contributed $7.2 million, bringing the total cost of the project to $86.42 million.