Kennebunkport dredging plan on the table


The Arundel Yacht Club, the Kennebunkport Marina, and the Kennebunk River Club are proposing maintenance dredging of their waterfront infrastructure, including in and around boat slips, to provide adequate depth for navigation and berthing. 

photo courtesy of Shelley Fleming Wigglesworth fb

In addition, Sprague Operating Resources LLC is proposing dredging of the waterfront infrastructure adjacent to their South Portland Marine Terminal to provide adequate depth for navigation and berthing. 

Regarding this, the Maine Department of Marine Resources (DMR) is required to provide the Maine Department of Environmental Protection with an assessment of the impacts on the fishing industry of proposed dredging operations. 

DMR will accept verbal and written comments about the potential impacts on fishing in the area to be dredged and impacts to the fishing industry of the proposed route to transport the dredge spoils to the IOSN disposal site. 

According to DMR, if 5 or more persons request a public hearing, the Department will hold a hearing. 

The deadline for submitting the comments is February 14, 2025.