DNREC’s Indian River Inlet dredging project reaching half-way mark
The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control has released the latest update on the emergency dredging and beach nourishment project underway at the Indian River Inlet.

According to DNREC, the project to repair and restore the beach and dune at the north side of the Indian River inlet has made continuous and consistent progress since the pumping and placement of sand began December 2.
The contractor for the project, Dredgit Corporation, has achieved a highly-efficient work rate, as reflected in the current daily dredging volumes.
As of Dec. 22, the contractor reported a cumulative total of 130,737 cubic yards of sand has been dredged and placed toward a targeted total of 380,000 CY to be reached by late-February 2025.
During the latest 24-hour period for which volume is available, almost 10,000 CY of sand were pumped onto the inlet’s north side beach and dune.
DredgIt has committed to operating 24/7, including throughout the upcoming holidays, to meet project goals and ensure the beach and dune are restored as quickly as possible.
The DNREC-led phase of the project will conclude in February, followed by a second phase of the emergency dredging project to be led by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 2025.
Both DNREC and the Corps of Engineers believe this approach will continue to provide long-term protection of both the beach and dune, and critical infrastructure, including State Route 1, for the Indian River Inlet area.