Town of Marion secures Harbor Management Plan grant


The Town of Marion (MA) has secured one of 10 state grants to support wharf reconstruction, pier replacements, and dredging projects — part of a $3 million Healey-Driscoll Administration initiative to support Massachusetts Coastal Communities.

Photo courtesy of the Marion Harbormaster

According to the Harbormaster Adam Murphy, the $150,000 funding will enable the Town to create a strategic vision for its harbor, ensuring its long-term sustainability and economic vitality.

The Town plans to use the grant funds to hire a consulting team to assist in crafting a comprehensive harbor plan for the Town. The consultant will provide expertise in waterfront development, regulatory compliance, and stakeholder coordination to ensure a balanced and sustainable vision for the harbor’s future.

This grant is a significant investment in the future of Marion’s harbor,” Harbormaster Murphy said. “The Harbor Management Plan will provide a roadmap for sustainable development, environmental stewardship, and economic growth.”

Earlier this week, the Healey-Driscoll Administration announced $3,285,664 in blue economy grants for 10 projects to support the economic vitality, tourism, and ecosystem health of Massachusetts’ waterfronts and harbors while helping the state reach its ambitious climate resiliency goals.