Cashman Dredging secures contract in Jacksonville, FL
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has awarded a $25 million contract to Cashman Dredging & Marine Contracting for maintenance dredging works in Jacksonville, Florida.

The project consists of maintenance dredging in the Jacksonville Harbor federal navigation channel.
The dredging will allow larger vessels to access the channel, reducing transportation costs, providing increased navigational safety, while avoiding or minimizing impacts to environmental resources.
According to the Corps, the contract is split between a Base and four Options. The Base element consists of maintenance dredging portions of Cut-17 through Cut-42.
Option A includes portions of Cut-42 through Cut-45. Option B includes portions of Cut-45 through Cut-55. Option C includes portions of Cut-55 through the Lower Terminal Channel. Option D includes portions of Cut-F through Cut-G in the West Blount Island Channel.
Base and Option A material will be disposed into the Ocean Dredge Material Disposal Site (ODMDS), while Options B, C, and D will be disposed into Bartram Island Dredge Material Management Area (DMMA) Cell A.