Baltimore Harbor dredging project about to begin


Curtin Maritime Corp. will soon begin maintenance dredging at the Baltimore Harbor, Maryland.

Photo courtesy of Curtin Maritime

The company recently won a $33.4 million contract to dredge Baltimore Harbor and the Channels in Chesapeake Bay.

The project consists of maintenance dredging approximately 2,290,000 cubic yards from the deep-draft federal navigation channels serving the Port of Baltimore.

Overall, around 1,740,000 cy will be dredged from the Maryland approach channels (Craighill Entrance, Craighill Angle, Cutoff Angle, and Upper Range Channels) and placed at the Paul S. Sarbanes Ecosystems Restoration Project at Poplar Island.

Another 550,000 cy will be dredged from Baltimore Harbor Channels (Fort McHenry Channel and Curtis Creek Channel) and placed at the Cox Creek Dredged Material Containment Facility.

According to the Corps, this work is to begin in the next few weeks with the completion expected by March 2025.