GLDD kicks off Town Neck beach nourishment

Beach Nourishment

The USACE New England District confirmed today that the dredging operations for the Town Neck Beach Nourishment Project are about to begin this week.

photo courtesy of USACE

According to USACE, Great Lakes Dredge and Dock (GLDD) will dredge approximately 325,000 CY of material from the Scusset Borrow Site and rebuild approximately ¾ miles of eroded beach surface.

This nourishment project will hydraulically dredge sand from a large borrow area off Scussett Beach, removing sand down to a depth of –18 Mean Low Low Water (MLLW), and convey it through a pipeline approximately 9,000 feet long across the bottom of the Cape Cod Canal up onto Town Neck Beach.

Once placed on the beach, the sand will be shaped according to an engineered design for a dune and berm system to prevent additional erosion.