IMS delivers new dredger to Bureau of Reclamation Lower Colorado Region


IMS delivered and commissioned a dual-function IMS 5012 LP Versi-Dredge® to the Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region of the US Department of Interior, Multi-Species Conservation Program recently.

photo courrtesy of IMS

According to IMS, the 5012 LP Versi-Dredge with patented Starwheel Drive® self-propulsion system was purchased through competitive tender and includes the SolidsMaster® dredge cutterhead for hydraulically dredging and pumping sand and sediments as well as the patented WeedMaster® vegetation cutterhead for chopping and pumping aquatic vegetation.

The dual-function dredge is also equipped with a dredging GPS system and IMS’s proprietary Transport-Launch-Retrieve™ (TLR) trailer system allowing for easy launch and retrieval of the dredge without the use of a crane.

IMS said that the 5012 LP will be used in the conservation area for hydraulically dredging sand, silt, clay, reeds and cattails.

The 5012 LP was delivered with a Tier 4 Final (EU Stage 5) 9.0L 375 HP (279 kW) John Deere® Diesel Engine to meet the specified emissions requirements.

Additionally, biodegradable hydraulic oil was specified for the hydraulic system due to the sensitive environment.