Work on Chellow Dene Wetlands wraps up

Flood Mitigation

The Chellow Dene Wetlands project near Bradford took three months to complete and includes improvements to a wetland area to help slow the flow of water during heavy rain, Environment Agency said.

photo courtesy of Environment Agency

It’s been delivered by Aire Rivers Trust working together with the Environment Agency, West Yorkshire Combined Authority, Britvic, City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, the Rivers Trust, and Friends of Bradford’s Becks.

It is expected that the wetlands will hold approximately an extra 180 cubic meters of water.

Urban wetlands are vital spaces for nature in our cities. This project shows how they can bring multiple benefits to Bradford,” said Simon Watts, Operations Manager at the Aire Rivers Trust.

“With the help of our funders, we’re contributing to reducing water pollution and flood risk and allowing nature to flourish on our doorsteps. It will be exciting to watch the site develop alongside our volunteers over the coming year.”

As part of the project, meanders have been created in Chellow Dene Beck to bypass a weir and create a more natural flow.