Dredging underway in Lorain Harbor


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District, is investing more than $14 million in breakwater repairs and dredging in Lorain Harbor.

photo courtesy of Andre Hampton, USACE

According to USACE, this work will ensure safe navigation for commercial and recreational vessels, prevent erosion along Ohio’s Great Lakes shoreline, and maintain the economic viability of the harbor and its historic lighthouse in the local and national economy.

Dredging of the upper channel in the Black River began on August 28 and is scheduled to be completed by the end of September by Michigan-based Dean Marine and Excavating under a $4.09 million contract awarded on May 2.

A total of approximately 72,000 cubic yards of material is contracted to be dredged and placed in the City of Lorain’s Black River Dredge Reuse Facility.

A $10.2 million contract for breakwater repairs was awarded to Michigan-based Great Lakes Dock & Materials LLC on August 26.

The project will repair 1,000 linear feet of the 2,812-foot-long breakwater, from Lorain’s historic harbor lighthouse inwards toward the shoreline.

Both projects are 100% federally funded.