City of Lorain: Black River Dredge Material Reuse Facility now operational


The City of Lorain Black River Dredge Material Reuse Facility is operational and began accepting material last week.

photo courtesy of City of Lorain - Engineering Department

The path to project success began in 2016 and has led to the launching of the facility – on time and on budget, according to the City.

Navigational dredging is critical to ensuring our river stays deep enough for shipping vessels, and the City has worked in lock-step with the Ohio EPA, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Buffalo District, Coldwater Consulting, Mark Haynes Construction, and several local and national partners to ensure this build was delivered successfully,” said the City of Lorain – Engineering Department.

“The City, with the assistance of Coldwater Consulting and Terminal Ready-Mix, Inc., is actively working to accept dredge material into the facility.”

Once pumped into the facility, the department is operating the site to ensure the material is dewatered and ready for harvesting in spring 2025.