Beach nourishment in full swing at Presque Isle

Beach Nourishment

Work continues at Presque Isle Beach in Erie, Pennsylvania, on the latest beach nourishment project, USACE said.

photo courtesy of USACE

We are working on placing 45,300 cubic yards of new sand on the beaches while relocating 24,600 cubic yards from existing tombolos and replenishing our sand stockpile with 17,000 tons,” said USACE Buffalo District.

The nearly seven mile long, 3,200 acre Presque Isle Peninsula forms a natural breakwater protecting the navigation channel at Erie Harbor, used by commercial shipping and recreational boats.

The harbor handled 787,000 tons of cargo in 2021 and supports more than $33 million in business revenue.

It also supports more than 150 jobs and over $10 million in labor income for the transportation sector, said USACE.