Fehmarnbelt update: German side’s part of tunnel under water

Business development

Femern A/S has just released the latest Fehmarnbelt project update from the German construction site: the northernmost part of the portal at Puttgarden has been successfully flooded.

photo courtesy of Femern A/S

This means that a part of the tunnel on the German side is now also under water.

The outer retaining dike still has to be removed so that the first element of the immersed tunnel, which will be transported from the factory in Lolland to Fehmarn, can later be connected to this part of the tunnel, said Femern.

The construction site on the German side is much smaller compared to the construction site on the Danish side. The site takes up roughly 90 hectares.

In addition to the construction of the tunnel portal on Fehmarn, the project also includes connections to the existing road network – main road B207 and motorway E47 – and the existing railway.

The local road and path network will also be adjusted and several smaller bridges and tunnels will be built to ensure passage for local traffic.